4 Year Old Fun

Need some suggestions on how to spend your spare time?  Here are Brooklen's ideas (and all of this must occur in about 5 minutes just as it did for her):

Bend over and let the hot air coming from the heat vent blow your hair all around...

take a Toy Story sticker your mom didn't buy so she doesn't know where it came from and drag a chair to the pantry and stick it to the door as high as you can...

notice one of your cats is on the basement stairs and pretend like you're a dog and bark at it a few times...

then take the Hannah Montana umbrella you've been carrying around all day, even though it wasn't raining, and spin around in the kitchen a few times...

(notice said chair used to put up the sticker didn't get put away) 

refuse to put away your sweater and boots you left on the floor...

steal your mom's camera and take a few random pictures before she realizes you have it and takes it away...

sit down to watch your favorite Angelina Ballerina movie...

and finally, abandon the umbrella so the cat you barked at can cuddle up in it (she's an odd cat)...

And that, my friends, is how you have fun when you're four! 