I keep thinking of things here and there that I forgot to post. I guess that’s why I should post more often! I’m just going back in and adding things as I remember them.
I know I’ve said this before but I’m going to give this another try and see if anyone notices I posted something since it’s been so long! Summer came and went so quickly. The last weekend in May we spent in Vernal visiting with Stephanie and her family. It was great to be able to go wave running on Saturday. Jordyn is a big wimp when it comes to this sort of thing. I can barely get on top of the water before she is freaking out. Maegan, on the other hand, cannot go fast enough. I was pushing 40 mph and she still wanted me to go faster. I didn’t want to push it too hard though and told she’d have to be happy with that. I also joined a card group with a few people from work and some other girls I haven't met yet. Every other month we get together and exchange cards. We all make 2 sets of 12 cards so we end up with 24 cards every other month. I am so excited because I love making cute things with paper but don't have time to scrapbook anymore. Steph is the most amazing person with paper so she helped me with cards while I was at her house.
June was a very rainy month so we didn’t really do much because it was so cold. I must admit though that I absolutely LOVED it! On June 17 - 19 I was able to go to Snowbird for a leadership conference. Basically all the managers in the court system statewide attend seminars to become better leaders. I found it to be very informative. I was the “odd” person out of my district and didn’t have a roommate so I ended up staying with a probation supervisor from SLC. It is such a small world! As it turns out, her parents and sister live in Mapleton. In fact, her sister only lives a few blocks from me. But what was even more amazing to me is that she grew up in Provo and was really good friends with a family friend named Trent Halladay. Technically he was Sean’s friend from Provo PD but he was a great guy, mentor for Sean and really cared about my kids. Sadly, Trent passed away in 2006 from cancer. He was one of the many officers that tore down meth labs in the ‘90's before it was known how contaminated the labs are and hazmat suits were worn. It was nice to talk with Debbie about him. It kind of put a couple things back in perspective for me. It’s always amazing to me that I am always so quickly sucked back into the whirlwind of life and so easily forget the important things. Anyway, talking with her just reminded me of some of the things I am striving to work for and what is important in life. At the end of the month I was released from my primary teaching calling because I was moved to a different ward in Mapleton.
In July I was able to switch my work schedule to four ten hour shifts so I could take Wednesday’s off. It was wonderful to have an extra day to spend with the girls. We did a lot of swimming up at “the res”, went bowling, saw quite a few movies, spent days at the park and also went to a couple of the outdoor movies in Springville. July 4th Lisa and I went swimming and then we made the usual trip to Nephi to spend the day with my dad on his birthday. We were able to eat outside but then the weather changed and it was freezing cold. The city was not able to do the big firework show so my dad lit some in the back yard. The kids were bundled up in blankets in the house looking out the door. Not the most exciting Fourth of July but certainly a memorable one. Jaxon was afraid of the fireworks just like Brooklen was last year. The next weekend was the annual Ute Stampede. It’s always fun to watch the rodeo and then go to the carnival afterwards. Brooklen did not like the rodeo this year. She was very upset every time a cowboy was bucked off. She kept saying, “I don’t like those guys falling off the horses”. In fact, she kept telling me how much she didn’t like the “radio” because of the guys falling off their horses for a few weeks afterwards. At the carnival Maegan and Jordyn had a blast on the rides but unfortunately Brooklen wanted to go on a roller coaster that ended up being a little too much for her. Jordyn was with her and tried to make her feel better but the ride operator let it go on forever because, of all people, he was talking to my dad and let the ride go on forever. She was not happy by the time it was over. Later in the month the girls were able to go on a 10 day trip to Washington with Sean and Ashley. At first I didn’t know what I was going to do with my new found free time. I ended up spending a day in Tooele visiting my good friend Sarah. Then, I was able to drive to Austin, Texas with Jen and her kids. I spent the week with her family at her sister’s house. I took a few books and was able to get a lot of good relaxation. After I flew home I drove to Moab with my sister to stay with the my family at my grandparents house while celebrating my great-uncle Garth’s 88th birthday. Next thing I knew the 10 days were gone and I picked up the girls. Ryan and Ali (Sean’s brother and his wife) were in Utah on vacation and came to our house for dinner on July 28th. It was so nice to be able to spend some time with them. The girls loved playing with their cousins that they don’t get to see very often. All in all it was one of those fun, relaxing summers.
August was mainly spent getting school supplies and playing with their friends. I can’t believe that it went by so fast and school has started again. On the day before school we went through all of their new clothes and picked out the outfits they wanted to wear for the week. I made sure everything was washed and ready to go for their big day. So, on the morning of Wednesday, August 19th I woke them up and got them ready. Maegan was excited because she has the same teacher Jordyn had for 2nd grade, Mrs. Pugh. Jordyn loves school and was excited to meet her teacher, Mrs. Cannon. I drove them to school, wished them luck and dropped them off. It’s so cliche for moms to have a hard time with this day and I don’t know why that is. All I know is that I got all choked up while driving away. Up until now I haven’t really given much thought to how big my kids are getting. Not that I don’t see them growing but it hasn’t really dawned on me until this year how not little they are anymore, if that makes any sense. Almost every time I look at Jordyn I can’t believe how big she is getting. I guess it’s such a hard day because you are so proud of them yet so sad they are another year older all at the same time. Anyway, Brooklen and I went to a work meeting I had for the “Unity Committee” I am on. It’s actually quite fun because we get to plan all the parties and activities we have at work. We were having our own party at a bowling alley. We ate lunch, played one game of bowling (thank goodness for the ramps they have for little kids) and then after the meeting we went shopping. Next thing I knew it was time to pick the girls up from school. They both loved their teachers and were excited to be back. On Saturday, August 22nd, I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and went hiking with my friends from work, Laura and Laicy. We drove up to Sundance and went hiking to Stewart Falls. I haven't been there since I was in elementary school. It's not a difficult hike but I am out of shape so it kicked my but in a couple spots. It wasn't too bad most of the time though. I haven't been on a hike in about 12 or 13 years so I was really excited to get out and go. Laura has made some cute bags she's selling on Etsy so she was able to take some pictures of them along the way. I'm hoping that now that I have this initial hike out of the way that I'll be able to go more often and start doing something that I used to love before I got married. By the time I got home it was a little after 10:00. My cute cousin Angie Scoma was getting married so I had to hurry to get ready for the day. I thought it was funny because I went from hiking boots and dirt to some pretty impressive high heels. Anyway, she had a luncheon at 11:30 in Mapleton. Then I went with my mom to SLC to the temple. It took us a little while to find a parking spot but we finally made it inside and had plenty of time to spare. I haven't been to a temple wedding for a very long time and I really enjoyed being there. When I got married in the temple they were living in California and they drove to Utah for the wedding. After the ceremony her dad, my uncle Tony, gave me a big hug and thanked me for being and example to his kids and it was nice to be there for her on her special day. After pictures we picked up my girls from Sean and got them ready and then went to the reception. My girls were able to play with all the other kids that were there while I was able to visit with my extended family. Angie is working at my aunt's daycare where my kids have gone in the past. Maegan, was so upset when Angie left to go on her honeymoon and would not stop crying because she already mised her. Luckily there were pictures of Angie and Phillip on the tables and Maegan was able to pick a few to take home with her and she finally calmed down. On Monday, August 24th we went to the last outdoor movie for the summer, The Princess Bride. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and we were rained out. On Tuesday, August 25th we went to my Grandma and Grandpa Madsen's house in Woodland Hills for dinner with the family before my Aunt Amy and her family left to go back home to Oregon. Wednesday nights are always my girl’s favorite night because I don’t make dinner. We have “Whatever Wednesday’s” where I let them eat whatever they want for dinner as long as it is reasonably healthy. On Thursday I took the girls to Sean and then went to their school for Back to School Night. As I’ve mentioned, Maegan has the same teacher that Jordyn had in 2nd grade so I knew what to expect with Mrs. Pugh. Jordyn’s teacher Mrs. Cannon seems great but she is very different from her 3rd grade teacher. Mr. Hart never sent homework home the entire year. Jordyn is going to have to do monthly book reports and weekly homework assignments in addition to her daily reading. I know homework is supposed to beneficial but I hate it! I guess because Jordyn is such a smartie and picks up on everything right away that I think it’s a waste of time. I can’t let her know this though or she’ll be trying to get out of it so I just have grin and bear it. Oh the joys of being a parent! When back to school night was over I headed home to work on my cards for my card group while I watched some TV. After work on Friday I picked the girls up from Sean and then went back to work for a movie night. Every couple of months we play a movie on the big projector we have. Everyone brings blankets, chairs, pillows etc. and whatever snacks you would like to share. This night we watched Race to Witch Mountain. Maegan ended up with Heather’s little girl Bailey in the hall playing jump rope for a lot of the movie. After cleaning up we headed home and the girls were really tired so they fell asleep even though it is their late night and they normally like to stay up until midnight. Saturday morning turned out to be “torture day.” I think I have wonderful girls, they truly are well behaved most of the time. That said, Jordyn has really been struggling with her attitude. Every time I ask her to do something she always has some excuse of why she can’t do it or how she could do something else instead. I’m really tired of it. She keeps pushing her limits lately so instead of going to the kite festival in Spanish Fork as planned I kept everyone home and told them we were working. They were going to follow me around the house and do whatever needed to be done until they finally appreciate how good they have it. I know, this is the perpetual lesson every parent is trying to teach right? Well, a couple hours into it Sean called and asked if he could have the girls come over again since he isn’t going to be able to see them next week. Lucky their dad saved them from a long day of chores! After dropping of the girls I went and saw Harry Potter again. Then I went to Robert’s and bought a few more supplies for my cards and headed home. Lisa came over a little later and we watched What Happens in Vegas and then Traitor. After she left I read some of the book I’m reading but at around 2:30 a.m. I finally had to go to sleep. Lucky me that the girls were with Sean because I didn’t wake up until 11:30! I was being really lazy so I read mor of my book. At 1:30 p.m. I picked them up and we headed home. The girls just played around the house while I finished reading my book. It was kind of late so I didn’t really make much of a dinner like I usually do on Sunday. I got the girls ready for bed and then finally cleaned up the house. After working on my cards there was paper everywhere! Monday, August 31st was a typical day. I got the girls’ lunches made, got everyone ready and headed out the door at 7:40 a.m. I dropped the girls off at school and then took Brooklen to “the daycare house.” This is what my girls call the daycare my aunt and uncle run in Mapleton. I headed to work and around 11:00 a.m. was leaving to run to the AF Juvenile Court when wouldn’t you know that Maegan is calling from school saying she is sick. She was sneezing, had a runny nose, coughing and had a sore throat. I had to call in so much earlier in the month because of the stomach bug we had that I called Sean to see if it was possible for him to take the rest of the day of instead. He couldn’t right away so I picked her up and went home to eat lunch with Maegan. Then when Sean was home I took her to his house so I could get back to work. At 4:30 he dropped her back off with me and we went to pick up Jordyn and Brooklen. My friend from work Ashley had a baby a couple weeks ago and I haven’t been to visit yet so I had offered to take her dinner. We stopped at the grocery store for a few supplies and then headed home to cook. As with almost everything in my life I’m trying to be better about FHE. So, since it happened that we were taking Ashley dinner I thought we would do a lesson on service. I wouldn’t let Maegan help cook so I had her do other things to help. I had Jordyn help cook the onions, peppers and hamburger and she did a great job. I made Baked Spahetti, Peas, Garlic Bread and Brownies. At 7:00 we took them over to Ashley. Her little boy, Tanner, is sooooo cute! Jordyn and Brooklen both took turns holding him. I wouldn’t let Maegan get near him but she was happy because she was running and jumping onto their big love sack and apparently that’s a good substitute. It was so nice holding such a cute, warm, wrapped up little baby! I’ve got to admit that I was surprised that I was NOT baby hungry after holding him! It just brought back all of the memories of my sweet little girls but then I could go home and get some sleep! lol. Well, after leaving Ashley’s we went home and ate our portion of the dinner and then we moved on to the FHE lesson. Continuing with the ‘service’ theme we said a prayer, sang a song and then I start by asking the girls the question, “Does anyone know what service is?” Maegan raises her hand and says, “Service is when you are at a hotel and the people bring you towels and pillows and stuff so you can live.” Oh my gosh! Here I am trying to have a spiritual lesson and I was biting my lip so hard so I wouldn’t start laughing! She is the funniest kid. I told her that was service you have to pay for and not the kind of service I was talking about. Well, we finally made it through the lesson and I introduced a new activity we’re going to start. It’s called, “Secret Service Agent”. Each week we will draw papers and one person will draw the paper that says “Secret Service Agent”. The rest of the week they have to find something to do everyday to help serve someone in our family and they can’t get caught. Sunday night we’re going to have that person announce who they are and what they did for the week and then we will draw again for the upcoming week. I hope they learn from this experience. I’ll keep you posted!
Even with all this going on I spent a lot of time this summer trying to get my life a little more organized. I've organized my garage and basement and cleaned out closets. But, the exciting thing for me is now my grocery shopping! Everyone who knows me knows that I LOVE to shop but especially bargain shop! But, it gets to a point when we have WAY too much stuff. My girls have so many clothes that it would take a month for them to wear everything they have. I finally have decided that is ridiculous and so I have put my bargain hunting into much better use and I am now an addicted coupon grocery shopping! I can't believe how much money can be saved by spending time organizing your shopping and then using coupons. My food storage is already looking so much better than it was even at the beginning of summer. Once I finish getting all the food organized I'll see if I can get some pictures of that posted too. In addition to organizing I wanted to work on different ways to discipline the girls. For those of you who know me, I am not the most patient person in the world and unfortunately I tend to be really hard on my girls. I hate that about myself. One day I ran across a book called Do What is Right with 52 ideas to motivate and discipline for LDS families. The reason I bought the book was because of the ‘S.T.A.R Sleepers’ idea. When it is bedtime I really need my girls to go to sleep so I can have some me time. I know there are lots of moms who thrive on being with their kids constantly but I am not one of them. So, when it’s bedtime and I’m spending the next hour dealing with, “Mom, I’m thirsty,” “Mom, I have to go to the bathroom,” “Mom, I’m scared,” “Mom, I forgot to tell you...” with three kids it could go on forever and I lose my patience. This program uses visual motivation instead of me just getting upset and yelling. So, I designed a chart that has 14 squares after their name with a little star that moves when they earn points. There is a big star for each of them with their name on it that goes in their room. The point is that they want to become a Super Star by keeping the big star in their room from moving. If I have to come in and move their star because they are not being quiet, instead of yelling, they see me move the star and they are a Falling Star. If the star stayed in place they get 2 points on the chart, if their star moved they get one point and if their star ended out in the hall they got 0 points. Every two weeks we would decide on an activity we were working toward and once all 3 girls got 14 points and were Super Stars we got to go on the activity. I was AMAZED at how quickly this worked. In fact, I am not even doing this anymore because they go to sleep so well. There are a lot of other fun ideas and I am going to pick a couple more to work on over the next couple of months. Last thing, I promise! We also adopted two cats and here is the story behind this decision. My friend Jennifer’s mother-in-law works at the South County Animal Shelter. There are so many cats that most of them are put down. Well, my friend Jennifer started fostering some of the kittens so they wouldn’t be euthenized. The girls and I were over at Jenn’s house one night and she had the cutest little black and white kitten that was about 4 weeks old. She had been rescued from a fire and was named Smudge. Her whiskers and the fur on her sides had been singed from the fire. She wasn’t going to the bathroom and her stomach was really distended. We were worried that her bowels were going to burst and we had to put her in warm water and massage her to try to get her to go to the bathroom. The girls were really sad and didn’t want to leave her behind so I agreed that if she made it through the night we could keep her. Well, she finally went to the bathroom so we bought the supplies we needed and took her home the next day. We had to supplement her diet with kitten formula for a while but eventually she was big and strong enough that we moved her to solid food and she has done just fine. The problem however is that she is a VICIOUS cat! I think because she didn’t grow up with any other kittens to play with that our hands and feet are the prime targets for her biting and scratching. My kids were afraid of her and I thought that maybe because we are gone a lot during the day that having another cat to keep her company would help calm her down. So, one weekend we went to Petsmart to adopt a cat from Lost Paws. There were quite a few cats to choose from but wouldn’t you know that my girls see the cat with 3 legs, yes she is missing a back leg, and HAVE to have her. The volunteers said they think a dog attacked her when she was a kitten. My girls felt so bad for her and kept asking why the dog would eat her leg. I couldn’t change their minds so we ended up taking “Tripod” home. I don’t like the name so I shortened it to Tripe. At first she would just hide out in the house and didn’t come out much. Eventually she warmed up to us and she is a really sweet cat. The girls love her to death and she doesn’t bite at all. She does “talk” a lot but at least we can actually pet her. Funny thing is that I was worried about her being able to hold her own with Smudge but that was proven to be unnecessary. She keeps Smudge in her place and chases her all over the house. It’s amazing because you would never know she’s missing a leg if you watched her run. If you read this entire post I am honored and impressed! Thank you everyone for all your love and support. Melissa
