Wild For Wags

I haven't started my second blog yet so I'm gonna brag again on here. Can I tell you how much I LOVE Walgreens? Sure, if I would go there and pay the regular price I would probably think they were extremely over-priced. When I was pulling into the parking lot I saw a guy walking out with 1 bottle of Listerine and I thought, poor guy, he has no idea how badly he was just ripped off. lol. Anyway, I was almost out of contact solution and luckily was able to get some this week as part of my haul. I spent a total (including tax) of $14.10. I purchased 17 items which is an average of .83 cents. Woo hoo! I found a new website that helped me form my shopping plan this week although I added some more to it. The new site I found is www.wildforwags.com. Happy Walgreens!

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