A Little Catching Up...

We have two new additions to our home. We finally made it to the new pet store in SF and after some consulting with the owner Maegan was able to pick out 2 goldfish, a silver one she named Steve and a half-orange, half-silver one named Princess. She also picked out some gravel and a plant. Who knew that goldfish need some time adapting to their new home? I certainly didn't. So, if the fish do well in a couple weeks we can add another 'decorative' item and another fish. I can't remember what it is called but it's the kind that eats the algae and helps keep the tank clean. She was very, very excited to finally have her pets.

Last weekend we were able to go to Vernal and stay with Stephanie. We left around 7:00 p.m. on Friday. We saw some elk grazing on the side of the road while we were driving over the mountain which the girls thought was really cool. Her son Gage was baptized on Saturday morning. Afterwards she had a luncheon and then the rest of the day we did a little window shopping at a cute store in Vernal called The Gallery(or it might just be Galleries, I can't remember exactly), took the kids to McDonalds and basically just hung out and talked while the kids played. Around 9:00 p.m. we decided we wanted to watch my 6 hour Pride and Prejudice movie and settled down on the couch planning on watching the whole thing...fast forward to 10:12 p.m....I woke up and realized Steph had fallen asleep too so we bagged the whole thing and went to bed. Even though I really don't feel that old I think nature is trying to prove a point and say, "Oh yes you are!" Sunday morning we did more of the above and then around 12:30 p.m. we left and had a safe, uneventful journey back home.

Jordyn has been rather difficult for a while now and about a week ago she called me the big "B" word and was grounded from TV/Computer/Movies/Friends/iPod etc. for a month. Even when we were in Vernal she ended up being grounded to her "room" on Saturday night. She has read quite a few books during this time. We have had many talks about her behavior and attitude, and to be honest a little on my part as well, and things have improved slightly, although it seems like she's in a cycle of having two good days and then a bad day. I was talking about this at work today when a fellow employee who has raised a teenage daughter told me it only gets worse. Heaven help me because if it gets much worse than this I am not going to survive raising 3 girls!

I have decided I don't like who I am and need to get back to the "old" me. I know that may sound a little odd but some little conversations or experiences I've been having here and there have had a strange effect on me. ***Clarification: I have been thinking after I posted this that I didn't really have my feelings phrased right. I came to realize it isn't that I don't like myself, more accurately I'm just plain old bored and a little disappointed in myself that I've become such a boring person. It's not that I don't like who I am.*** Anyway, I hadn't seen my friend Laicy for a while and the last time I saw her she asked me if I had made anything cute recently. I was a little surprised when my answer was no. I've always been making cute, crafty things for as long as I can remember. I don't know when it happened but for some reason I have stopped doing this. I think it's been a combination of not needing anything in my own home, a lack of time and the very poor, apathetic attitude I've had about my life for a while. Anyway, Laicy's question really got me thinking that I'd like to make something cute again. Then, when Steph and I were at the store in Vernal I saw a couple cute things and thought the prices were ridiculously expensive. I thought, "I can make that!" So, once again my creative juices are flowing. Even if I don't end up using them myself I can try to sell them or I can just give them away. I don't care which, I am just excited to create something fun. I've also been toying with the idea of creating some kind of craft club that would meet every month or maybe every two months but I'm not 100% sure about that yet. I already feel busy enough and don't know if I should add more to my plate. Another thing that I decided I need to start doing is taking my girls on little road trips. When I was driving home from Vernal I was thinking about how well the trip was going and I think because they're older they can handle being in the car for longer periods of time. Since my divorce I didn't do much with them because Brooklen was so little and I didn't feel safe going on my own or I was worried they would get bored. They don't know this yet but I decided I don't care if they do get bored. I'm sick of being a slave to our routine and we are going to go on quite a few little adventures this summer. I already have permission to work 4 10's during the summer which gives me an extra day off and we are going to be all over this beautiful state and I can't wait!!! Maybe once I have a better idea of exactly where it is we're going I can post it on here and if anyone wants to join me you can let me know. Anyway, maybe these seem like weird things to be excited about but it's been a long time since anything had me excited. I'm just happy to feel a little bit of the "spark" coming back.

That's all for now!

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See what a little trip to Vernal does? Maybe you should come up more often! You motivate me too!

May 3, 2010 at 9:06 PM

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