My coupon adventures have officially taken me to the mall! Yes, you heard right. Last month Victoria Secret was offering an online promotion where you would get a free gift card worth anywhere from $10.00 to $500.00 with any purchase. And, I was able to find a free shipping code. So, I logged in and purchased a body wash that was on clearance for $4.95. I've been holding on to my gift card until I had a moment to run in to the mall and spend it. Today ended up being that day when I found an online coupon at Aeropastale for $10.00 off a purchase of $10.00 or more. Wanna know what I bought? At Victoria's I found a yummy, summer-is-on-it's-way, coconut lotion. My gift card ended up being worth $10.00 so I only paid $0.14 out of pocket. At Aeropostale I got a cute t-shirt that was 50% off plus the coupon so I only spent $2.40 there! Combined the grand total was........just $2.54! In case I have some non-believers out there I circled the amounts on the receipts to prove it. I am so good ;-)...ha ha. I'm just kidding but it really is so fun to find these deals!