A Look Back...

Were you thinking I was going to be writing up an inspiring post about my life or family? Sorry to disappoint if you were but this post is a little more light-hearted than that. Last year I was asked to join a card group at work. Every two months we turn in two different sets of 12 cards. I usually do one card that is more of a generic theme and then one that has to do with the time of year or an upcoming holiday. It has been a really fun way for me to express my creative side but not be too overwhelming. I thought it might be kind-of fun to share my creations with the world. It's hard to tell in the pictures but a lot of these I used pop-up foam underneath which I thinks make the cuter. After I posted these pictures I realized that a lot of them kind of look the same to me. I need to figure out some new techniques to try.

June, 2009:

August, 2009:

October, 2009:

December, 2009:

February, 2010:

April, 1010:

Here is the cute box I store them all in and a lot of the cards I've received in the past 10 months. It's so nice to be able to grab a card when I need it!

um signature


Wow, I am so impressed! How fun for you to have friends to do that with. I am way past being creative in any way, and only blog because then I can have it printed into a book. My days of creating things out of cardstock and ribbon are long gone! By the way, I love all your posts about saving money on groceries. You've inspired me to do better!

March 30, 2010 at 8:15 AM

That is such a fun idea. What a bunch of cute cards.

March 30, 2010 at 12:19 PM

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